Goldnrod Graphix 2 (541) 337-9695 Quality Airbrush Painting

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Quality vehicle airbrush painting and custom graphics, pinstriping and Lettering for commercial vehicles, personal vehicles,  semi trucks, racecars, show cars, street rods, motorcycles, aircraft .Any vehicle and paintable surface including signs.
Serving  Eugene, OR and surrounding area.

"Goldnrod" Has 30 years experience in his craft.

From subtle striping enhancement to complete dramatic custom paint and Graphics.
Improve the visibility  of your commercial vehicles,
Semi-Trucks, show cars, race cars , motorcycles, Motor Coaches, Helicopters, Airplanes and signs.
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Any paintable surface is transformed into a unique, one of a kind custom creation!
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Along with the prestige "Goldnrod" Signature comes guaranteed quality work using the finest materials for vibrant and durable paint.

Pages may load slow for the images are large and detailed.
But well worth the wait!
Click the Play Video Below to view a great show!
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Goldnrod Airbrushing from Goldnrod Graphix 2
Gooldnrod doing custom Lettering
In Action!
Custom Lettering and airbrush

Airbrushed Motorcycle By Goldnrod Graphix 2

Goldnrod is in the process of making some instructional
Airbrush Videos!

"These videos will include his Famous Flame jobs on the front of
PT Cruisers!
One of the Airbrush videos will be using pearl paint and the other with Harlequin paint!"

Click Images to Enlarge

Airbrushed PT Cruiser Flames by Goldnrod

Airbrushed PT Cruiser Flames By Goldnrod

PT Cruiser with airbrushed Flames by Goldnrod

Airbrushed PT Cruiser Flames By Goldnrod

Airbrushed PT Cruiser Flames By Goldnrod
M and G airbrushed PT Cruiser Harlequin Flames

Airbrushed Harlequin paint PT Flames By Goldnrod

Airbrushed Harlequin Flames By Goldnrod

Airbrushed Harlequin paint PT Flames By Goldnrod

Airbrushed Harlequin Flames By Goldnrod

Below you will see some of Goldnrod's latest work.  There is even some VIDEOS of the completed jobs on the
 Commercial Vehicles page!

Click Images to Enlarge!

Airbrushed tow truck By Goldnrod

Commercial Vehicle Lettering By Goldnrod

Airbrushed Tow truck by Goldnrod Graphix

Commercial Vehicle Lettering,Airbrush & Graphics By Goldnrod

Airbrushed Eagle Mural By Goldnrod
Airbushed By Goldnrod of Goldnrod Graphix 2

Airbrushed Eagle By Goldnrod
Goldnrod Graphix  Street Rods Page
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Goldnrod Graphix
Serving Eugene, OR and surrounding areas.

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Goldnrod Graphix 2 copyright 2002-2007 All rights reserved